Our Purpose

We exist to serve and support Great Commission activities globally.

Our mission is to come alongside Christian organizations, movements, and initiatives that are engaging in the Great Commission. Our background in this work has helped us to see that this work as multifaceted and cohesive. From frontier missions, Bible translation, prayer initiatives, mercy and compassion ministries, church planting, to evangelistic campaigns, there is unity in the diversity of work that is being done globally.

We partner with these entities to provide grant funds and development resources. We do this through traditional grant giving, but also through our network of professional resources that allow for non-profit entities to grow, develop, and become more robust in their ability to execute on their missional goals. We do this through direct and online courses.

Asaph Love is honored to be a small tool to serve the work of God around the world. Come and join us on this most worthy endeavor to see the Gospel of the kingdom shared and demonstrated for the coming of Christ’s return.