Grant Areas

Asaph Love is committed to working with a wide spectrum of organizations and movements, however our goal has always been clear; serving those who are committed to finishing the task.

Our grant areas are focused around Great Commission activities. That may be a broad and conceptual, so we have adopted the “Call2All 777 Document” as our standard for understanding specific areas of the Great Commission. With that said, the six areas that our grant specifically focuses on are:

  • Mobilizing Prayer

  • Accelerating Evangelism

  • Eradicating Bible Poverty

  • Establish a Growing Church

  • Transforming Unreached People Groups

  • Demonstrating Mercy and Compassion

Areas of Focus

Mobilizing Prayer

We support prayer initiatives that are directly connected to the Great Commission

Establish a Growing Church

We support church presence and church planting movements all across the globe.

Accelerating Evangelism

We support innovative and impactful proclamation and demonstration of the gospel movements.

Transforming the Unreached

We support the work to reach the unengaged and unreached people groups of the world.

Eradicating Bible Poverty

We support Bible translation work globally both in written and in oral learners.

Demonstrating Mercy & Compassion

We support tangible and practical mercy ministries; from community development to crisis aid.

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” - Mark 16:15